Adjective Clause

Adjective clause bisa disebut relative pronouns, atau relative clause. Adjective caluse adalah anak kalimat pengganti yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat. Dalam kontek ini akan terdapat induk dan anak kalimat:

  1. who - menggantikan kata ganti subjek orang
  2. whom -menggantikan kata ganti objek orang
  3. which - menggantikan kata ganti subjek/objek benda atau hewan
  4. whose - menggantikan kata ganti milik ( my, your, etc )
  5. that - menggantikan kata ganti subjek/objek orang atau benda atau hewan
( that dapat menggantikan who, whom, which )

Rumus : Modified + Conjunction + Modifier


1. Mr Tom is my father. He works at BCA
  • Mr Tom who works at BCA is my father
2. Jack is a thief. I saw him steal a wallet
  • Jack whom I saw steal a wallet is a thief
3. The table is so expensive. I bought it last week
  • The table which I bought last week is so expensive
4. The house is beatiful. It belongs to Amir
  • The house which belongs to Amir is beautiful
5. The lady bought a car . her husband died a year ago
  • The lady whose husband died a year ago bought a car
6 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    thanks bro...infonya

  2. Anonymous Says:

    thank youuuu so much for the post! it helps a lot :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    makasih infonya

  4. Anonymous Says:

    thanks gan

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks KK

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