Adjective clause bisa disebut relative pronouns, atau relative clause. Adjective caluse adalah anak kalimat pengganti yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat. Dalam kontek ini akan terdapat induk dan anak kalimat:
- who - menggantikan kata ganti subjek orang
- whom -menggantikan kata ganti objek orang
- which - menggantikan kata ganti subjek/objek benda atau hewan
- whose - menggantikan kata ganti milik ( my, your, etc )
- that - menggantikan kata ganti subjek/objek orang atau benda atau hewan
( that dapat menggantikan who, whom, which )
Rumus : Modified + Conjunction + Modifier
1. Mr Tom is my father. He works at BCA
- Mr Tom who works at BCA is my father
- Jack whom I saw steal a wallet is a thief
- The table which I bought last week is so expensive
- The house which belongs to Amir is beautiful
- The lady whose husband died a year ago bought a car
thanks bro...infonya
thank youuuu so much for the post! it helps a lot :)
makasih infonya
thanks gan
makasih ^^
Thanks KK